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Who reviews the auditor's report before it's finalized?

Koh Management

The review process of an auditor's report is a critical stage in the audit lifecycle, ensuring that the final report is accurate, comprehensive, and adheres to the applicable auditing standards. The integrity and reliability of an auditor's report are paramount as it influences stakeholders’ decisions, ranging from investors and creditors to regulatory bodies. Therefore, this document undergoes a meticulous review process involving multiple layers of scrutiny both internally within the auditing firm and externally, if applicable.

Internal Review Process

Engagement Team Review

The initial review is usually conducted by the engagement team itself. This team comprises audit assistants, seniors, and managers who work directly on the audit. Each member of the team reviews parts of the report relevant to their work to ensure that the findings and conclusions are properly documented and supported by audit evidence. This stage often involves revisiting the audit work papers and financial statements to verify that the report accurately reflects the findings.

Managerial Review

After the engagement team, the next level of review is typically performed by an audit manager or a senior manager. The manager reviews the entire report for technical accuracy, compliance with auditing standards, and consistency in the narrative with the gathered evidence. They also ensure that the report is coherent and logically structured, making it understandable to those who were not part of the audit process.

Partner Review

The final internal checkpoint is the review by the audit partner. The partner is ultimately responsible for the audit and its findings. Therefore, this review is comprehensive, focusing on high-risk areas, judgment calls made during the audit process, and the overall presentation of the report. The partner ensures that the report meets all regulatory requirements and professional standards, and that it accurately communicates the auditor's opinion on the financial statements.

Specialized Reviews

Depending on the nature of the audit and the sector in which the client operates, specialized reviews may be required:

Subject Matter Experts

For audits involving complex areas such as valuation, taxation, or information technology, subject matter experts within the firm may review relevant sections of the report. These experts ensure that the report’s assertions in their areas of specialization are accurate and adequately supported by the audit evidence.

Quality Control Department

Many larger audit firms have a dedicated quality control department whose role is to ensure that all audits meet the firm’s standards and comply with external regulations. This department reviews selected audits, including the auditor’s reports, as part of the firm’s internal quality assurance procedures.

External Review Process

Regulatory Review

In some jurisdictions, auditor’s reports might be subject to review by regulatory bodies. For example, in the United States, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) conducts inspections of audit firms that audit public companies. These reviews can include detailed scrutiny of auditor’s reports and the associated audit documentation.

Peer Review

Audit firms may also undergo peer reviews, where another independent audit firm reviews their work. This review aims to ensure that the firm follows the best practices and adheres to the relevant auditing standards. Peer reviews help maintain the credibility of the audit profession and provide firms with feedback for improvement.

Client Review

Before finalization, the draft auditor’s report is typically presented to the client's management and those charged with governance, such as the audit committee or board of directors. This review is not for approval but to ensure that management understands the conclusions of the audit and has an opportunity to discuss the findings. It is crucial for maintaining transparency and addressing any disagreements or misunderstandings prior to the release of the final report.


The review process of an auditor's report is essential to ensure its quality and reliability. It involves multiple levels of internal review within the audit firm, potentially complemented by external reviews depending on regulatory requirements or firm policies. Each layer of review adds to the robustness of the final report, making it a reliable document for stakeholders relying on its conclusions. As such, the auditor’s report plays a pivotal role in the financial ecosystem, underpinning trust and confidence in financial reporting.

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