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Covid-19 Lockdown, Koh Management will be fully operational

Koh Management

Covid-19 Lockdown, Koh Management will be fully operational - Dear customers, Koh Management will be fully operational for the whole period of the Singapore Circuit Breaker lockdown. The staff members of the company will be working from home with the bosses based in the office. We will not be able to meet up with you at the office with the minimal contact rule.

For documents that needs to be rushed out for whatever purpose, do give us ample time to get things worked out so that we can assist you with the change in key appointment holders.

For accounting services, there will be no change to how we will assist you since we will be able to do remote desktop from our colleagues’ respective locations.

Expect some delay in completion as the challenges from working from home will be tough and we will have some delays as compared to being physically based in the office.

We look forward to the normalization of the whole situation in Singapore and also for the whole economy to start getting back to normal so that our livelihood will not be in such a tough situation.

Do note that personal tax submission deadline is extended till May and you will be able to file at a later date, with the whole disruption in the whole economy. We expect there to be more support from the government in terms of employment and also rental.

We hope the government will be able to assist SMEs a little more so that the suffering will not be as bad as expected.

If you require a Singapore SME Loan Professional to assist you, you can speak to our friends at Avant Consulting Pte Ltd that can help you with your Singapore Bank Loan Application.

Koh Management is a Singapore Accounting Services Provider that can assist you during this Lockdown period, speak to us if you need such help. Corporate Secretarial Services for SME needs. Singapore Xero software needs.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy and we will weather this storm together.

Covid-19 Lockdown, Koh Management will be fully operational

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